[Pokemon GOne]

[10/19/2016] Today the main creator of the Second Life's Pokemonsters, Rem sent out a notice in the group which read.

((French below / En francais plus bas))
Some people maybe have already notice the traggic accident on the Official Pokemonster Land. Everything's gone ... No it's not a bug or a Second Life server issue or any.
It is the END of Pokemonsters.
My friend Mika (addict) brought me in this idea of project. I was at first s(c)eptic, but then interested. I spent weeks and weeks of work to bring a cool game. 6 PM to 3 AM every day after RL work. Updated the game up to the Version 3.0. But recently my RL situation changed and i can't continue to work on this project. That's one the reason of this decision.
The second reason is about my friend Mika, he is the modeler of the project. i am the scripter. Without models i can't do anything and Mika will have to stop Second Life for maybe forever.
The 3nd reason, and maybe the most important: I have severals reports saying that im 'copying' the RL Pokemonster game. Even after asking Second Life to be sure i'm not illegal with my project, i still getting accusation and reports.
I was starting with a good intention to bring a cool game, worked so hard with my friend. But things changed so quickly, and i can't continue to let people hopes for things that would never come again .. And most important i don't want to have problems with Second Life or anybody..
Peut-etre que certains ont deja remarqués l'accident tragique sur le terrain Officiel des Pokemonsters. Tous à disparu ... Non ce n'est en aucun cas un bug ou un probleme de serveur de Second Life.
C'est la fin de Pokemonsters.
Mon ami Mika (addict) m'a tiré dans cette idée de projet. J'etais à la base plutot septique, puis etait interressé car j'adore depuis tout petit les pokemons. J'ai passé des semaines et des semaines à travailler sur les scripts de ce jeu. De 18h à 3h du matin apres le boulot. J'ai mis à jour les scripts jusqu'a la version 3.0.
Mais recement ma situation dans la vrai vie (RL) à changé et je ne peux conitnuer de travailler sur ce projet. C'est la principale raison de cette fin soudaine.
La deuxieme raison est que mon ami Mika, etant le modeleur (qui créé les modeles 3D pour le jeu) doit arreté Second Life et sans modeles je ne peux pas travailler.
La 3eme raison et peut etre la plus importante: J'ai pas mal de rapports conecernant la copie du vrai jeu Pokemons. Meme apres avoir demandé à Second Life si mon projet est conforme, et n'etant pas illegal, je continue de recevoir des plaintes et des accusations.
On etait partis sur une bonne intention pour apporter un jeu cool et amusant, on a travaillé dur. Mais les choses ont changés si vite pour lui comme pour moi et le RL passe avant toutes choses. Je ne peux continuer ce projet. Je ne peux continuer de faire esperer les gens... Et plus important que tout, je ne veux aucuns problemes avec Second Life ou autre compagnie.

 T_T *sob sob sob*

Soon after that notice was sent you could imagine all the disappointed people who've invested in this game. The immediately took to the group chat and cried and stated their opinions. Some were very understanding, others were just like "welp, looks like they took your money on to the next thing."
Rems himself, then came into the chat himself and talked to everyone and some of the people who felt like they were being ripped off (with failed delivery's and such). Most of which he was was able to solve before getting offline.

You will no longer be able to turn in your steps to candy or evolve your pokemonsters anymore unless 1: Rems sets up a way where the pokemonsters project is open source and allows the community to help and continue where Rem and Mika left off. or 2: Rems sets up a way to buy the machines that did the converting of steps steps and evolving.

Despite this sad sad news there is a slight silver lining.

To the people who do have the pokeservers (like myself), the pokemonsters will still spawn and you can still catch them. Also if you have a battle pokemonsters (Eevee, Pikachu, or Torchic) you can still battle other trainers and still level up so on and so forth. So we can still play :')

All n All~
I wish you the best Rems with any and all your future endeavors and thank you for giving us Second Lifers a chance to experience Pokemon Go ISL~ *Smiles*

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